What other writers are saying about:
Rage in the Hills:

"They're terrific, some of the best stories to come out of New England in a long time....a breath of fresh air....I really like your characters!...I will read Rage in the Hills many times over the years.."
Howard Frank Mosher, author of Stranger in the Kingdom, Marie Blythe and Where the Rivers Flow North.

"In Rage in the Hills, Dan Neary's characters populate a polarized world where flatlanders' ideals clash with Vermonters' rural values. This cultural collision tramples our image of Vermont as a close knit community nestled in a land of pastoral splendor. In its place we see a regional culture marred by ignorance, bigotry and an unforgetable eye-for-an-eye brutality."
Nancy Wright, former Vermont journalist.

"With the background of a journalist and the eye of a fine art photographer, Daniel A. Neary Jr. brings unique perspective to Vermont and Vermonters in this one-of-a-kind collection of stories."
Joseph A. Citro, Author of Shadow Child, Passing Strange, and Green Mountains, Dark Tales.

"It takes guts to tell the truth. Dan Neary does it in his writing. So if you want to know what it's like being a native Vermonter, you won't find it in a tourist brochure. You will find it in this book."
Peter Cooper, co-author, Vanishing Vermont

"These are stories backed by muscle and anger. They have an agenda and aren't afraid to let it show."
Jim DeFilippi, author of Duck Alley

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